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Mediation Preparation Video for Law Firm Clients

Will the mediator determine who wins my case? Should I try to make the mediator understand why I should win so that they will convince the other side to give in?

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Clients unfamiliar with a mediation will have these and many other questions about the mediation process. While you may have represented clients in dozens or even hundreds of mediations, this may be the first mediation for your client. As a result, they may have many questions about the mediation process itself, how it works, and what they need to do to be prepared.

How Can You Expertly and Effectively Prepare Clients for Mediation?

At EmpowerLegal, we believe that your time and resources are best used on the strategic aspects of your client's case. We help by allowing you to free up your time to focus on these critical matters, while providing your clients with access to the expert education they need to be effective in the mediation.

Video Re-enactment – One of the Best Methods for Learning and Retention

Our preparation videos differ significantly from other preparation videos as we use professional actors and actresses to portray a wide variety of scenarios that frequently occur in the course of a mediation. Most other preparation videos, in contrast, consist solely of an attorney speaking to a camera.

Through these portrayals, your clients will be able to see exactly what types of things they should do, what types of traps they can avoid, and what they need to know to maximize the effectiveness of their mediation. Specifically, your clients will learn –

  • How to prepare for the mediation,
  • How to use the mediator as a messenger, and
  • How to be flexible with expectations.

What Is Included, and How Your Firm Portal Works

Your firm will have an individualized portal where you will be able to:

  • Add you firm’s logo to customize the user experience for your clients.
  • Add your firm’s attorneys – they can then manage the firm’s account, and create new client accounts for firm clients.
  • Customize individual accounts for firm clients so that they can access the videos through a browser or app. They will also be able to take notes and ask questions of their attorney.
  • Track the number of client views for each video.

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5 Stars
Empower Legal’s videos are highly beneficial to both lawyers and their clients. Lawyers benefit by freeing up valuable time to focus on the matters that are critical to a client’s case. Clients benefit through increased learning from the high-quality instructional videos, which feature guided narration and dramatizations of real-life situations. Through the videos, clients are able to perform at their best, which can increase their chance of winning.
Jared CorreiaCEO of Red Cave Consulting, COO of Gideon Software, Inc., and a former practicing attorney.